Over 9 Million Watch UGA-Notre Dame
ATHENS - Over nine million viewers watched No. 3 UGA beat No. 7 Notre Dame on Saturday night.
9,287,000 viewers tuned into the Bulldog win. That number does not include streaming for CBS. It was a record number for CBS in at least one sense. The network hasn’t had that big of an audience in September since Alabama beat Johnny Mansel and Texas A&M in 2013.
It also shows the power of the brand that is Georgia football. Since 2017, UGA has played in two of the three most-watched college football games. It is keeping pace with that by beating out Texas-LSU by about half a million viewers to be the biggest TV game of this early season.
CBS has already claimed the Bulldogs’ game with the Gators later this year. Games like Auburn-UGA and A&M-UGA seem destined to be CBS games, and Missouri-UGA very well could get picked up by CBS, too. That means there’s a possibility UGA could play four CBS games in a a row in November.