I watched most of the first half on demand......
Coach ABE had them locked and loaded. That was the best first half I have seen them play in awhile. Even before this win I was a big Fan of Coach Abe. She does not have to convince me she can coach. I know she can and I know she can coach talent and develop players.
No one including myself expected this win. I was monitoring the live game online. I knew Tenn was going to make a run and when I saw they lost the lead, I had to put the phone down. I have to take into consideration my blood pressure. But when I saw they won, could not wait to watch on demand. I will watch the rest of the game after work. No judgement because I am taking a break while working.
Once again they are playing the matchup zone better. With more speed and big guards, the matchup zone is going to wreck havoc on some teams.
All the guards get A pluses for their play. To beat a team that constantly press, you need guards that can break the press when they have to with the dribble and who can see the floor. I always say make them pay for pressing. Attack Attack Attack. Someone is open and they have to knock it down.
The post and bench get A's. With all teams, players need to know their roles. Especially until they have developed an all around game. Beside developing a mid range shot, Verse needs to learn the euro step and a spin moved. Keep them guessing when she drives.
Now my eyes are not as sharp as they use to be but I have not seen Evans on the bench......